High-quality cast mold is a start of everything
With us you can choose between a licensed mold and mold with all rights
Licensed mold
Our customer favourite
A licensed mold is more inexpensive. Mold are safely stored at Kultataide.
The mold belongs to Kultataide and only the customer has the right to unlimited use of it.
If the mold is ruptured, we make a new one free of charge.
Mold with all rights
When you want the mold to yourself
Molds with all rights will be delivered to the customer upon request.
The mold belongs to the customer.
We are no longer responsible for the mold after it has left Kultataide premises.
Mold or print?
Due to the advanced printing technology, if there is a 3D-model of an object, it is not worth using a mold with small quantitities(1-5 pieces). Instead, it makes more sense to print waxes.
Wax shrinkage
Wax shrinks in the casting process approximately 1-2,5%, depending on the metal, temperatures used and the thickness. A mold shrinks approximately 1-1,5%. So cast in a mold, the shrinkage is approximately 2-4% (usually closer to 4%). A cold silicone mold does not shrink but is not durable enough for larger series. These things should be noted when manufacturing or modelling a product.